Song Lyrics Title Index
C M Superstar
I'm a Christian dude with an attitude, Ain't gonna preach at you, just gonna sing and...
by Rick Altizer | Go Nova
I'm a Christian dude with an attitude, Ain't gonna preach at you, just gonna sing and...
by Rick Altizer | Go Nova
C Minor
our house wrapped in disrepair, a small mouse peeked out from a hole beneth the...
by mewithoutYou | Brother, Sister
our house wrapped in disrepair, a small mouse peeked out from a hole beneth the...
by mewithoutYou | Brother, Sister
C Minor Miners
Failed at wit and construct Happenings unbeknown to us Not soon here nor...
by Joy Electric | The Tick Tock Treasury
Failed at wit and construct Happenings unbeknown to us Not soon here nor...
by Joy Electric | The Tick Tock Treasury