"Arise, O God (Byzantine Chant)"
by St. Symeon Orthodox Church Ensemble "Antiphony"Album: To Thee Belong All the Nations
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To Thee Belong All the Nations
Artist: St. Symeon Orthodox Church Ensemble "Antiphony"- Arise, O God (Byzantine Chant)
- O Come, Let Us Worship (Georgian Chant)
- Rejoice, Life-giving Cross (Byzantine Chant, Tone 5, Special Melody "Rejoice")
- Rejoice, Life-giving Cross (Byzantine Chant, Tone 5, Special Melody
- Dogmatic Theotokion Tone 5 (Znamenny Chant)
- Have Mercy On Us, O Lord (Lesser Znamenny Chant, Tone 6)
- Doxastikhon of the Praises of Pentecost (Byzantine Chant, Tone 6)
- What Shall We Call You (Optina Hermitage Chant, Tone 8)
- Bless the Lord (Valaam Chant)
- It Is Truly Meet (Byzantine Chant, Tone 5 "Phrygian")
- It Is Truly Meet (Byzantine Chant, Tone 5
- Troparion to St. Christopher (Russian "Greek" Chant, Tone 4)
- Troparion to St. Christopher (Russian
- Resurrectional Kontakion Tone 7 (Byzantine Chant)
- Troparion of Theophany (Znamenny Chant, Tone 1)
- O Ye Angelic Hosts (Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra Chant, Tone 6)
- Shen Khar Venakhi (Georgian Chant)
- The Anaphora (Valaam Chant)
- The Seventh Resurrectional Eothinon (Kievan Chant, Tone 7)
- Lord, Now Lettest (Russian "Greek" Chant, Tone 6)
- Lord, Now Lettest (Russian
- Evlogitaria (Byzantine Chant, Tone 5)
- Only Begotten Son (Lesser Znamenny Chant, Tone 6)
- When the Bodiless (Kiev Caves Lavra Chant, Tone 8)
- The First Antiphon
- Rejoice, O Isaiah (Byzantine Chant, Tone 5 and Tone 7)
- Exapostilarion of the Cross (Putevoi Chant)
- Troparion of Pentecost (Znamenny Chant, Tone 8)
- Bicentennial Troparion of All Saints of North America (Tone 8)
- More Honorable (Znamenny Chant)
- Verses from "Rejoice, O Bethany" (Byzantine Chant, Tone 6 "Hijaz")
- Verses from
- The Paschal Troparion (Georgian Chant)