Album Tracks
To Thee Belong All the Nations
Artist: St. Symeon Orthodox Church Ensemble "Antiphony"
  1. Arise, O God (Byzantine Chant)
  2. O Come, Let Us Worship (Georgian Chant)
  3. Rejoice, Life-giving Cross (Byzantine Chant, Tone 5, Special Melody "Rejoice")
  4. Rejoice, Life-giving Cross (Byzantine Chant, Tone 5, Special Melody
  5. Dogmatic Theotokion Tone 5 (Znamenny Chant)
  6. Have Mercy On Us, O Lord (Lesser Znamenny Chant, Tone 6)
  7. Doxastikhon of the Praises of Pentecost (Byzantine Chant, Tone 6)
  8. What Shall We Call You (Optina Hermitage Chant, Tone 8)
  9. Bless the Lord (Valaam Chant)
  10. It Is Truly Meet (Byzantine Chant, Tone 5 "Phrygian")
  11. It Is Truly Meet (Byzantine Chant, Tone 5
  12. Troparion to St. Christopher (Russian "Greek" Chant, Tone 4)
  13. Troparion to St. Christopher (Russian
  14. Resurrectional Kontakion Tone 7 (Byzantine Chant)
  15. Troparion of Theophany (Znamenny Chant, Tone 1)
  16. O Ye Angelic Hosts (Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra Chant, Tone 6)
  17. Shen Khar Venakhi (Georgian Chant)
  18. The Anaphora (Valaam Chant)
  19. The Seventh Resurrectional Eothinon (Kievan Chant, Tone 7)
  20. Lord, Now Lettest (Russian "Greek" Chant, Tone 6)
  21. Lord, Now Lettest (Russian
  22. Evlogitaria (Byzantine Chant, Tone 5)
  23. Only Begotten Son (Lesser Znamenny Chant, Tone 6)
  24. When the Bodiless (Kiev Caves Lavra Chant, Tone 8)
  25. The First Antiphon
  26. Rejoice, O Isaiah (Byzantine Chant, Tone 5 and Tone 7)
  27. Exapostilarion of the Cross (Putevoi Chant)
  28. Troparion of Pentecost (Znamenny Chant, Tone 8)
  29. Bicentennial Troparion of All Saints of North America (Tone 8)
  30. More Honorable (Znamenny Chant)
  31. Verses from "Rejoice, O Bethany" (Byzantine Chant, Tone 6 "Hijaz")
  32. Verses from
  33. The Paschal Troparion (Georgian Chant)
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"Only Begotten Son (Lesser Znamenny Chant, Tone 6)"

by St. Symeon Orthodox Church Ensemble "Antiphony"
Album: To Thee Belong All the Nations

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Album Tracks
To Thee Belong All the Nations
Artist: St. Symeon Orthodox Church Ensemble "Antiphony"
  1. Arise, O God (Byzantine Chant)
  2. O Come, Let Us Worship (Georgian Chant)
  3. Rejoice, Life-giving Cross (Byzantine Chant, Tone 5, Special Melody "Rejoice")
  4. Rejoice, Life-giving Cross (Byzantine Chant, Tone 5, Special Melody
  5. Dogmatic Theotokion Tone 5 (Znamenny Chant)
  6. Have Mercy On Us, O Lord (Lesser Znamenny Chant, Tone 6)
  7. Doxastikhon of the Praises of Pentecost (Byzantine Chant, Tone 6)
  8. What Shall We Call You (Optina Hermitage Chant, Tone 8)
  9. Bless the Lord (Valaam Chant)
  10. It Is Truly Meet (Byzantine Chant, Tone 5 "Phrygian")
  11. It Is Truly Meet (Byzantine Chant, Tone 5
  12. Troparion to St. Christopher (Russian "Greek" Chant, Tone 4)
  13. Troparion to St. Christopher (Russian
  14. Resurrectional Kontakion Tone 7 (Byzantine Chant)
  15. Troparion of Theophany (Znamenny Chant, Tone 1)
  16. O Ye Angelic Hosts (Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra Chant, Tone 6)
  17. Shen Khar Venakhi (Georgian Chant)
  18. The Anaphora (Valaam Chant)
  19. The Seventh Resurrectional Eothinon (Kievan Chant, Tone 7)
  20. Lord, Now Lettest (Russian "Greek" Chant, Tone 6)
  21. Lord, Now Lettest (Russian
  22. Evlogitaria (Byzantine Chant, Tone 5)
  23. Only Begotten Son (Lesser Znamenny Chant, Tone 6)
  24. When the Bodiless (Kiev Caves Lavra Chant, Tone 8)
  25. The First Antiphon
  26. Rejoice, O Isaiah (Byzantine Chant, Tone 5 and Tone 7)
  27. Exapostilarion of the Cross (Putevoi Chant)
  28. Troparion of Pentecost (Znamenny Chant, Tone 8)
  29. Bicentennial Troparion of All Saints of North America (Tone 8)
  30. More Honorable (Znamenny Chant)
  31. Verses from "Rejoice, O Bethany" (Byzantine Chant, Tone 6 "Hijaz")
  32. Verses from
  33. The Paschal Troparion (Georgian Chant)
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