I wanna be like Y-ou
I swallow everyth-ing and spit nothing o-ut
Keeps coming back on m-e, forcing me d-own
So dizzy sick and twisting
So ugly sad but true
I can't be left unguided
I can't be without Y-ou
Help me seek what's true
I wanna be like Y-ou
I wanna be like You
Show me what to d-o
I wanna be like You
You took my pain aw-ay, grounded a drowning man
Erasing yesterday, only You can
These hands they reach for sure things, that soon will come undone
So often disappointing
I am when I don't look to the Son
Help me seek what's true
O-h, You let me choose
I break I br-uise
So then I give it back to You
And You set me loose
I wanna be like Y-ou