Every w-ord's ringing n-ow
Lovely in my h-ead
Once so l-ost, now so f-ound
Brought back from the d-ead
In the f-allo-ut, of all the wrongs I've done
I can cr-awl o-ut, in the name of the S-on
I'll b-e, forgiven n-ow
For everything I've done
I'll b-e, forgiven n-ow
Forgiven now
The rising s-un shows me how
To begin again
What weighed a t-on and screamed so l-oud
Simply is forgotten
So I cr-y out, with praises for the One
I am fr-ee now, in the name of the
Sad and lonely, missing something, looking everywhere
When there is one thing that can save me and He's always there
Waiting to be c-alled
Forgiven n-ow
Forgiven now, now now now now
Forven now