He was a friend to sinners He was a gentle man. Beautiful, humble Master plan. His voice could pierce the darkness quiet an angry sea. Hear Him saying "Follow Me" I look in your eyes and I tell you these things but somehow I know that it's hard to believe
Could you believe if I really was like Him. If I lived all the things that I said If for a change I would kneel down before you and serve you instead Could you believe
He was the Lamb of mercy undying hope of men. Waiting for Love to come again. He is teh light of Heaven Radiant Prince of peace. I hear Him saying "Follow Me" I look in your eyes and I tell you these things but somehow I know that it's hard to beleive
Chours 2:
Coudl you beleive if I carried my own cross. I f I saw that the children were fed. If for a moment I held my opinion and quietly led Could you believe
I am menat to be pure reflection of the truth so abouve it all that I will not obscure the view
Chours 3:
Could you beleive if I sttod here transport and through me you could look in His eyes. Could you believe if you saw right inside and there was no diguise. Could yuou believe if I really was like Him if I lived all the words that I said. If it was clear that I held in my heart what I know in my head.
Could you believe, could you blieve, looking at me, could you believe, could you believe