Song Lyrics

"Adam and Eve"

by Knine
Album: Theater of the Mind [Explicit]

In the beginning, God made the Heavens and the Earth and everything in it. Then He just stopped.
Then He said Nah, this is just a blob. This is all blehhh.
Then He said, Let me see. That's it! Let me see.
Day one, He put the lights up high, He made the day and the night.
Day number two, He separated all the water from the water and he called it the sky. Day number three, He made the ocean and the lands, all the trees and the plants.
Day number four, He made the sun, and the moon, and the stars, and He said, Man this is pretty cool so far!
Day five, He put the birds in the sky, he put the fish in the water.
Day six, He made each and every single kind of animal that he could have thought of. Then he said, Hey let's make humans, so they can be just like Us. And they can live on this planet and rule over all this stuff.
Day seven, God said, Okay I made the Heavens, the Earth, the stars, the moon, apes,
grapes, snakes, baboons, whale, snail, whale, raccoon, mhmm. And everything's great!
I put it in the right place. Hey, I'm God and I'm never tired, but Imma take a little break.
One day God reached to the Earth, He picked up a fistful of dirt, He molded it with his hands, and when He had finished it, there stood a man.
He took a deep breath, into his lungs He blew.
*cough, cough, cough, cough. The man started breathing too.
God said, Adam, welcome to Eden, you have every single thing that you need in the bushes, the branches, the plants, and the seas, and the trees will be growing in all different seasons.
It's gonna grow vegetables, you gonna need them, and you can eat fruit, yes the bitter, the sweet ones. Tend to the garden, keep out the weeds, and oh ya, there's just one single thing you can't eat man.
You see that tree right there?
Where? You mean the one with the pears?
No, Adam that's a pear tree. The one I'm talking 'bout is the rare tree. The big one in the middle with the fruit that glow.
Ya, I was wondering God, what are those?
That's good and evil, right or wrong, do not eat those, leave those alone.
Adam, listen, I know that they glisten, I know they look juicy, look I see what you see you. But heed my instructions, please don't you touch them, cuz other than this I am holding back nothin'. Hope you decide that you don't need to try it, the day that you do is the day that you dyin'. Resist the temptation, don't justify it. Don't make this mistake. Said, Okay God I got it!

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