Song Lyrics

"Jesus Reggaeton Remix"

by KJ-52
Album: KJ-52 Remixed

Jesus (and all I got is just,
All I drops just, all I rocks just)
Jesus (El es el rey the mi vida con
El tengo la salida)
Jesus (and all I got is just,
All I drops just, all I rocks just)
Jesus (Con el tenga la Victoria
No tengo na que temer)

Oye mira Funky turn the beat on
Nombre de Jesus is what we speak on
And sine the one day he came into mi corazon,
It's only one name on any track I'm flowing on
So ben aqui man if you can't see this
He's the reason I speak this, no matter what the beat is
Reggaeton or hip hop, it's still about Jesus
But you know I had to get my man Funky on the remix
So, please believe this, we gotta bring that fuego
This goes out to all mis hermanos
From Mexico all the way to Puerto Rico
All my Latinos mi gente en el mundo
And if ya didn't know, it don't mean a thing
No matter where you go, one thing it'll never change
That anyway you say it man, it's still the same
So my man Funky, c'mon won't you say his name


Skip the Cris I'd rather sip the living agua
Cuz ever since I tasted it there was no need to bother
So the Father sent his Son to the slaughter
And he's the Lion King but his name ain't Mufassa it's
The great physician, he's my doctor
The commission is reason why
I gots ta keep slinging it out like Peter Parker
And keep holding the mic up to my mouth like Bob Barker
I don't even try to hide it
See why fight it see he's the reason I'm excited
But why is the body of Christ chopped and divided
Man if you like beef go peep the Atkins diet
Every person is invited
All the way from the best to the worst one it's provided
That God will turn a messed up life around like mine did
Open your eyelids it's time that you recognized that it's


Tenemos lo que estas buscando tu
Somos los seguidores de Jesus
Si buscas el camino de la luz
Esta en el sacrificio de la cruz
Lo que yo traigo es mucho mas que reggaetona
Yo te motivo pa' que ganes tu corona
Entro en la zona y el diablito se enfogona
Y es porque Cristo lo destrona
Sigue subiendo hasta que reviente el radio
Que ahora vuelvo con la musica de barrio
Si no me entiendes pues buscate el diccionario
Pa' que compredas un poco el vocabulario
Bien easy, you know I get busy
Puede ser que te de vueltas y te pngas dissy
So take it easy, que esto es un junte pa' la historia
Funky junto a KJ FiveTweezy


Featuring Funky Written by J. Sorrentino ?KJFiveTwoMusic (SESAC) / BEC Recordings Music (SESAC)

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