Song Lyrics

"Terry and the Pirates"

by Elim Hall
Album: Let It Thrive

Terry and his pirate friends
Will they stick together'
Will there be an end'
Terry, a pirate of some fame
Kept them all together
At least that was his aim

Now Terry and his pirates, were on the open sea. For weeks and weeks they lived like that,
(in perfect harmony). Then one day they heard "Land Ho!" An island sat before the bow,
and the natives seemed the friendly type. I think they were saying,
"Hum diddle diddley
Hum diddle diddle diddle
Hum diddle diddley
Hum diddle doo"
Yes the natives were the friendly type. The island was a pleasant place, with riches vast,
and lots of rum, and women raised on tropic sun.

Terry, and his pirate friends
Will they stick together'
Will there be an end'

Now the natives and the pirates mixed, exchanging fruit for civil gifts.
Then they showed them all around the place, and the pirates slowed to island pace.
Soon a pig was cooked on barbecue, and there was lots for each and all to chew.
As night came on they did the twist. It went something like this,
"Hum diddle diddley
Hum diddle diddle diddle
Hum diddle diddley
Hum diddle doo"

And they said:
You can't take my joy away
You can't take my joy away

The next morning, Terry was awoken by a very rude awakening.
His ship was sailing off into the wild blue yonder.
Without him, the crew, would surely fall asunder.
But Terry did not mind much (he didn't mind)
pirating was easy to decline
Terry did not mind much (he didn't mind)
He built himself a hut on island prime

And he said:
You can't take my joy away
You can't take my joy away

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