Song Lyrics

"He Cares For You"

by Daniel Markoya
Album: Yeshua

Look at the birds of the air
They neither sow nor reap
Yet your heavenly Father takes good care of them
How much more are you worth than they' Oh, you of little faith
Put your trust, put your faith in the Lord

Because He cares for you
And He's called you by name
He knows all your needs
Don't you know He's counted the hairs on your head
So don't be anxious
Not for anything at all
In all of your ways, cast your cares on the Lord

Do not store up for yourself
Treasures here on earth
Where moth and rust, and floods, destroy
Store up treasures in heaven
Where they last for eternity
For where your heart is, that's where your treasure will be

Oh He cares for you
And He's called you by name
He knows all your needs don't you know He's
Counted the hairs on your head
So don't be anxious, no, no
No, not for anything at all
In all of your ways, cast your cares on the Lord.

And do worry about your life
What ya gonna eat and drink
Don't worry bout your body and what your gonna wear
Life is more important that food
Your bodies more important than your clothes
Instead put your trust, put your faith in the Lord

Because He cares for you... yes He does
Oh and He's called you by name
He knows all your needs don't you know He's counted the hairs on your head
So don't be anxious, no, no, no not for anything at all
In all of your ways, cast your cares on the Lord

Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness
And all these things will be given to you as well... Do you believe it' Yeah, I believe it. So do I
And don't worry about tomorrow no no for tomorrow has enough trouble of it's own

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