Album Tracks
The Bible Hymnal: Choral Version, Vol. 2 of 2
Artist: Armstrong Auditorium
  1. Page 66: O Lord of Hosts, My King, My God!
  2. Page 67: O Be Merciful to Me
  3. Page 68: O Thou God of My Salvation
  4. Page 69: How Long, Eternal, Hide Thou Away?
  5. Page 70: Thou Art Our God Forever
  6. Page 71: How Good It Is to Thank the Lord
  7. Page 72: O Come and Let Us Worship Him
  8. Page 73: The Lord Eternal Reigns!
  9. Page 74: Sing Praises and Rejoice!
  10. Page 75: Holy, Mighty Majesty!
  11. Page 76: Sing to the Lord with Cheerful Voice
  12. Page 77: I'll Sing to Mercy and of Justice
  13. Page 78: He Shall Reign Forevermore!
  14. Page 79: Bless the Lord Eternal, O My Soul
  15. Page 80: O Bless and Praise God!
  16. Page 81: Remember Us, O Eternal
  17. Pages 82-83: O Give Thanks and Praise the Eternal
  18. Page 84: O That Men Would Praise Their God
  19. Page 85: Wisdom Begins with the Fear of the Lord
  20. Pages 86-87: When Israel out of Egypt Went
  21. Page 88: Praise Belongs to God!
  22. Page 89: O Give Thanks Unto Our God
  23. Page 90: O How Love I Thy Law!
  24. Page 91: For Thy Law Is Truth and Love
  25. Page 92: I Hate the Thoughts of Vanity
  26. Page 93: Lord You Dealt Well with Me
  27. Page 94: In Distress I Cried Unto the Lord
  28. Page 95: To the Hills I'll Lift Mine Eyes
  29. Page 96: Unless the Lord Shall Build the House
  30. Page 97: Blest and Happy Is He
  31. Page 98 (Top): God Is Our Refuge
  32. Page 98 (Bottom): My Hope Is in His Word
  33. Page 99: In His Word Have I Hope
  34. Page 100: High on Zion's Holy Hill
  35. Page 101: Praise God's Name!
  36. Page 102: His Mercy Never Fails
  37. Page 103: By the Waters of Babylon
  38. Page 104: Lord, I Will Praise Thee!
  39. Page 105: Where Shall I Go from Your Spirit, O God?
  40. Page 106: Hear My Cry, Eternal One
  41. Page 107: To the Eternal I Will Cry
  42. Page 108: Give Ear to My Prayer, O Lord
  43. Page 109: O Lord, Thou Art My God and King!
  44. Pages 110-111: Lord, Teach Me That I May Know
  45. Pages 112-113: Praise Ye the Lord!
  46. Page 114: Hallelujah, Praise God!
  47. Page 115 (Top): Come Thou Almighty King
  48. Page 115 (Bottom): The Lord's My Shepherd
  49. Page 116: I Will Sing to the Eternal
  50. Page 117: Thee Will I Love, O Lord
  51. Page 118: Blow the Horn, Let Zion Hear!
  52. Page 119: Behold, the Day Will Come
  53. Page 120: Go Ye Therefore into All the World
  54. Page 121: Not Many Wise Men Now Are Called
  55. Page 122: If I Have Not Charity
  56. Page 123: Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken
  57. Page 124: God Speaks to Us
  58. Page 125: America the Beautiful
  59. Page 126: Onward Christian Soldiers!
  60. Page 127: Battle Hymn of the Republic
  61. Page 128: Praise Ye the Lord, the Almighty
Song Lyrics

"Page 85: Wisdom Begins with the Fear of the Lord"

by Armstrong Auditorium
Album: The Bible Hymnal: Choral Version, Vol. 2 of 2

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Album Tracks
The Bible Hymnal: Choral Version, Vol. 2 of 2
Artist: Armstrong Auditorium
  1. Page 66: O Lord of Hosts, My King, My God!
  2. Page 67: O Be Merciful to Me
  3. Page 68: O Thou God of My Salvation
  4. Page 69: How Long, Eternal, Hide Thou Away?
  5. Page 70: Thou Art Our God Forever
  6. Page 71: How Good It Is to Thank the Lord
  7. Page 72: O Come and Let Us Worship Him
  8. Page 73: The Lord Eternal Reigns!
  9. Page 74: Sing Praises and Rejoice!
  10. Page 75: Holy, Mighty Majesty!
  11. Page 76: Sing to the Lord with Cheerful Voice
  12. Page 77: I'll Sing to Mercy and of Justice
  13. Page 78: He Shall Reign Forevermore!
  14. Page 79: Bless the Lord Eternal, O My Soul
  15. Page 80: O Bless and Praise God!
  16. Page 81: Remember Us, O Eternal
  17. Pages 82-83: O Give Thanks and Praise the Eternal
  18. Page 84: O That Men Would Praise Their God
  19. Page 85: Wisdom Begins with the Fear of the Lord
  20. Pages 86-87: When Israel out of Egypt Went
  21. Page 88: Praise Belongs to God!
  22. Page 89: O Give Thanks Unto Our God
  23. Page 90: O How Love I Thy Law!
  24. Page 91: For Thy Law Is Truth and Love
  25. Page 92: I Hate the Thoughts of Vanity
  26. Page 93: Lord You Dealt Well with Me
  27. Page 94: In Distress I Cried Unto the Lord
  28. Page 95: To the Hills I'll Lift Mine Eyes
  29. Page 96: Unless the Lord Shall Build the House
  30. Page 97: Blest and Happy Is He
  31. Page 98 (Top): God Is Our Refuge
  32. Page 98 (Bottom): My Hope Is in His Word
  33. Page 99: In His Word Have I Hope
  34. Page 100: High on Zion's Holy Hill
  35. Page 101: Praise God's Name!
  36. Page 102: His Mercy Never Fails
  37. Page 103: By the Waters of Babylon
  38. Page 104: Lord, I Will Praise Thee!
  39. Page 105: Where Shall I Go from Your Spirit, O God?
  40. Page 106: Hear My Cry, Eternal One
  41. Page 107: To the Eternal I Will Cry
  42. Page 108: Give Ear to My Prayer, O Lord
  43. Page 109: O Lord, Thou Art My God and King!
  44. Pages 110-111: Lord, Teach Me That I May Know
  45. Pages 112-113: Praise Ye the Lord!
  46. Page 114: Hallelujah, Praise God!
  47. Page 115 (Top): Come Thou Almighty King
  48. Page 115 (Bottom): The Lord's My Shepherd
  49. Page 116: I Will Sing to the Eternal
  50. Page 117: Thee Will I Love, O Lord
  51. Page 118: Blow the Horn, Let Zion Hear!
  52. Page 119: Behold, the Day Will Come
  53. Page 120: Go Ye Therefore into All the World
  54. Page 121: Not Many Wise Men Now Are Called
  55. Page 122: If I Have Not Charity
  56. Page 123: Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken
  57. Page 124: God Speaks to Us
  58. Page 125: America the Beautiful
  59. Page 126: Onward Christian Soldiers!
  60. Page 127: Battle Hymn of the Republic
  61. Page 128: Praise Ye the Lord, the Almighty
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