Song Lyrics


by AMP
Album: Amp

(Sam Ock)
Lord, I gotta be honest with these words
Sometimes your gospel seems so absurd
Unheard of, the way that you wash me clean
Everytime I know, I repent and I am clean
Everytime I'm hypnotized by another screen
I know Lord, I fall down, you pick me up
An endless cycle, you never give up
Yet Lord, my faith is weak, I'm a worm
The vision of my sinfulness makes me squirm
I KNOW! I know of your love
I've felt it before, your presence from above
Yet it's so hard...for me to just let go
I let my face cover EVERYTHING THEY DON'T KNOW.
It just clenches my mind, all the pictures of my past
Yet, your grace just washes me clean when I ask

You say that You listen to prayers from all Your sons.
Even though we often take advantage of Your love.
Please take me to a place of deeper understanding.
Lord don't abandon Your sheep, I will be stranded.
I wanna know Your heart, I want You to my standard.
Help me to love my brothers without being demanding.
My heart's feeling calloused, I am thrown off balance
by those who mess with my equilibrium with their malice.
Father fill me up with Your compassion for the masses.
It's obvious I need a new prescription for my glasses
on a daily, it's crucial that you renew my mind
cause I review my crimes that you put on Jesus Christ.
I wanna treat all my sisters with utter righteousness.
But it's so hard when they throw on that skimpy little dress.
Elohim, please give me a deeper measure of wisdom.
I gotta keep my focus on Your cross and Your Kingdom.

Father, I yearn for close encounters with You
You know where You brought me from and what I've been through
These acts of sin try and penetrate my skin
But I thank You for Your protection against all of 'em
But hold on, my struggles lately have been driving me crazy
All these theological concepts, the doctrines of men
Studies of Your Word, so many views causing the separation called denominations
and its really tearing me up within
Cuz I can't call it, what's the real truth in Your speaking
Every pastor sounds so convincing, my brain is leaking
I feel like one being caught up in the waves of doctrine
Swaying side to side, getting lost and feeling like an imbecile
Lord I wanna press into You, reveal a deeper measure of truth
Holy Spirit minister to my heart, implant the righteous fruit
Teach me like You taught the disciples
I desire to grow in Your truth and not by some man's study of the Bible

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