VERSE 1 [Jeremiah 17:14]
Heal me, and I shall be healed
Save me, and I shall be saved
Oh Lord, You are my Praise
CHORUS [Jeremiah 17:7-8]
Blessed is the man who trusts in You
whose hope the Lord is
O most blessed is he whose confidence
relies in Your name
He’ll be like a fruitful tree in drought
without a care, he will not fear
Oh Lord, You Are My Praise
VERSE 2 [Psalm 19:13; 51:7]
Keep me, and I shall be whole
Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow
You are my Praise
VERSE 3 [Psalm 119:117; Jeremiah 31:18]
Hold me, and I shall be safe
Turn me, and I’ll ever walk in Your way.
You are my Praise
(Repeat Chorus)
Written By: Zudi Hurley
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