Song Lyrics


by Worship Central
Album: Let it Be Known

Ben Cantelon
'2007 Thankyou Music

Hallelujah, hallelujah
You are worthy of our praise

Be high and lifted up
Be high and lifted up
Be high and lifted up, Jesus
It's You we glorify
It's You we're lifting high
Your name be glorified

[be glorified, we pray]
[be lifted up, we pray]
[exalt His holy name]

Be high and lifted up
Be high and lifted up
Be high and lifted up, Jesus
It's You we glorify
It's You we're lifting high
Your name be glorified

Hallelujah, hallelujah
You are worthy of our praise

Be high and lifted up
Be high and lifted up
Be high and lifted up, Jesus
It's You we glorify
It's You we're lifting high
Your name be glorified

Hallelujah, hallelujah
You are worthy of our praise

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