Crushed Skull Dismembered Head Snapped Spine Severed Torso Shattered Ribs Punchered Throat Squashed Spleen Mangled Limbs
Hacked , Mangled , Mutilated Body , Minced , Shreded , Eviscerated Belial Decapitated With A Sledge Hammer Satans Carcass
Ripped To Shreds C.I.T.D.C. Demon Crusher C.I.T.D.C. Demon Crusher Truncated , Exploded Head And Brain , Obliterated ,
Annihilated Demonic Angels Puncture Holes From A Pick Axe , Satans Body Hacked To Bits C.I.T.D.C. Demon Crusher C.I.T.D.C.
Demon Crusher Dismemberment Of Lungs And Heart , Stabbed Eyeballs , Cut Off ears Scuared Giblets Mulched Up Skin And Bone ,
Ripped Out Intestines , Cremated Corpse Crushed Skull Dismembered Head Snapped Spine Severed Torso Shattered Ribs Punchered
Throat Squashed Spleen Mangled Limbs

Skin Stripper
Artist: Vomitorial Corpulence- Barn Yard Grind
- Hammer Inflicted Brain Seizure And Hemorrhaging Cranial Gestation
- Curse or Blessing
- Malignant Cankerous Brain Feast And Tumorous Cerebral Beverage Of The Cranium
- Blink
- Numb
- Stenching Putrefacation Of Crepitated Decomposing Carcassile And Eroded Internal Intestinal Tract An
- Goreaphiler Of The Flesh
- Life
- Defleshed
- Cudgellated Mephistopheles Brutally
- Do It
- One Question and One Answer
- Festering Insalubrious Bowel Hemorrhaging Of Cancerous Pustulosus And Abdominal Abscess Discharge Of
- Holy Hypocrisy
- Cadaveric Necroticisum Of Neuropathological Catatoniar And Pyrexia Malignant Growth Of The Cerebrum
- Hill Billy Heaven
- Cerebral Turbulency
- Turn to Christ
- Hc4jc
- Excoriating Karrionic Cankerous Emanation Of Sludge And Ulcerated Flesh
- Pathetic
- Grotesque Mucopurulent Disgorgement
- Karrionic Hactician
- Abolishment Of Belial And All Impercating Creation
- Death Comes Quick
- Christ is the Demon Crusher