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Album: In Faith, In Hope: Hymns Ancient and Modern (Live)
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"Yesu Kwetu Ni Rafiki (Live)"
by Various artistsAlbum: In Faith, In Hope: Hymns Ancient and Modern (Live)
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Album Tracks
In Faith, In Hope: Hymns Ancient and Modern (Live)
Artist: Various artists- Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow (Live)
- Greetings (Live)
- Laudate Doxology (Live)
- Entrata Festiva (Live)
- When Morning Gilds the Skies (Live)
- Call to Worship (Live)
- Al the Earth Sing Forth (Live)
- Up (Live)
- Santo Antiphon and Scripture (Live)
- Santo, Holy (Live)
- Down (Live)
- Surely He Has Borne Our Grief (Live)
- Death, Where is Your Power? (Live)
- The Power of the Cross (Live)
- Invitation to Confession (Live)
- Relinquish (Live)
- Gbemi Yesu, Prayer of Confession (Live)
- Kyrie (Live)
- Jesus, Lover of My Soul (Live)
- Declaration of Grace and Peace (Live)
- It Is Well With My Soul (Live)
- Gather (Live)
- We Are His People (Live)
- We Are God's People (Live)
- Prayer for Unity (Live)
- In Faith, In Hope (Live)
- Celebrate (Live)
- Yesu Kwetu Ni Rafiki (Live)
- Prayer of Gratitude (Live)
- Giver of the Gift of Singing (Live)
- Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise (Live)
- Benediction (Live)
- Take the Name of Jesus With You (Live)
- Symphony #1: Final Movement (Live)
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