"Wear a Crown (previously unreleased)"
by Various artistsAlbum: The One-Derful! Collection: Halo Records
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The One-Derful! Collection: Halo Records
Artist: Various artists- Wade in the Water
- Send Your Cleansing Power
- Amazing Grace (previously unreleased)
- I Have Made a Change (previously unreleased)
- Why Can't We Love Our Fellowman (feat. Dinision Gill)
- Wear a Crown (previously unreleased)
- Keep Movin' Along
- The Children Goin' Astray (feat. Little David)
- The Fire Keeps on Burning in My Heart, Pt. 1
- King Jesus Will Roll Your Burden Away (previously unreleased)
- Modern Messiah (previously unreleased)
- This Little Light of Mine
- Lord I Will Never Forget
- I've Been Saved
- I've Got a Feeling (previously unreleased)
- He Died for Me
- Mercy Lord
- Give Me a Few More Days
- Joy
- I Won't Let Nobody Turn Me Around (previously unreleased)
- Jesus Is a Rock (previously unreleased)
- Lord Deliver Me
- Why Do Men Treat the Lord as They Do
- Man in the City, Pt. 1