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Di Grine Katshke - the Green Duck - a Menagerie of
Artist: Various artists- Der Tsirk (The Circus)
- Di Frosh (The Frog)
- Kumt a Foygl (A Bird Comes)
- Zingen Nit Di Feygl (The Birds Aren't Singing)
- Fun a Kleynem Grinem Hoyz (From a Little Green House)
- In Mayn Shtetl (In My Town)
- Gendzelekh (Goslings)
- A Feygele in Harbst (A Bird in Autumn)
- Di Grine Katshke (The Green Duck)
- Geyt Zikh a Bahelferl (The Bahelferl Walks)
- Der Ber (The Bear)
- Geven a Mol a Meydele (Once There Was a Girl)
- A Pastekhl (A Shepherd)
- Frimorgn (Morning)
- Bobe Mindele (Grandma Mindele)
- Ketzl Un Hintl (Cat and Dog)
- Hoydlke (Swing)
- Tsigele (Goat)
- Makht Dos Hintele, Hau-Hau! (The Puppy Says, Bow-Wow!)
- Tsen Hiner Mit a Katshke (Ten Hens and a Duck)
- Ferdl (Horsey)
- A Bin (A Bee)
- A Maysele (A Little Tale)
- Sorele Iz in Vald Arayn (Sorele Went Into the Woods)
- Tshimba-Rimba