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Fighter Verse Songs, Extended Set 5
Artist: VARIOUS ARTISTS- Introduction
- He Went up on the Mountain, Mt 5:1-2
- The Beatitudes, Mt 5:3-12
- You Are the Salt of the Earth, Mt 5:13
- You Are the Light of the World, Mt 5:14-16
- Do Not Think That I Have Come, Mt 5:17-18
- Therefore Whoever Relaxes, Mt 5:19-20
- You Have Heard: Murder, Mt 5:21-22
- So If You Are Offering Your Gift, Mt 5:23-26
- You Have Heard: Adultery, Mt 5:27-30
- It Was Also Said: Divorce, Mt 5:31-32
- Again You Have Heard: Swearing, Mt 5:33-37
- You Have Heard: Eye for an Eye, Mt 5:38-42
- You Have Heard: Love Your Neighbor, Mt 5:43-48
- Practicing Your Righteousness, Mt 6:1-8
- The Lord
- The Lord's Prayer, Mt 6:9-13
- Forgive Others Their Trespasses, Mt 6:14-15
- And When You Fast, Mt 6:16-18
- Do Not Lay up for Yourselves, Mt 6:19-21
- The Eye Is the Lamp of the Body, Mt 6:22-23
- No One Can Serve Two Masters, Mt 6:24
- Do Not Be Anxious, Mt 6:25-26
- And Which of You by Being Anxious, Mt 6:27-29
- But If God so Clothes the Grass, Mt 6:30
- Therefore Do Not Be Anxious, Mt 6:31-34
- Judge Not, That You Be Not Judged, Mt 7:1-5
- Do Not Give Dogs What Is Holy, Mt 7:6
- Ask and It Will Be Given to You, Mt 7:7-8
- Or Which One of You If His Son, Mt 7:9-12
- Enter by the Narrow Gate, Mt 7:13-14
- Beware of False Prophets, Mt 7:15-20
- Not Everyone Who Says to Me, Mt 7:21-23
- Everyone Then Who Hears, Mt 7:24-27
- When Jesus Finished These Sayings, Mt 7:28-29