"Spiritual Warfare Prayer"
by Various artistsAlbum: Prophetess Deborah Small Allen Presents: Power Pra
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Prophetess Deborah Small Allen Presents: Power Pra
Artist: Various artists- Salvation Prayer
- Prayer for Inmates
- Spiritual Warfare Prayer
- Praryer for Men and Husbands
- Prayer for Children and Parents
- Prayer for Healing of Infirmities
- Delieverance Prayer
- Prayer for Entrepreneurs
- Youth and Public School Systems Prayer
- Financial Breakthrough Prayer
- Children's Education and Protection Prayer
- Prayer for Prophets and Ministries
- Prayer for Marriage
- Prayer for Hurting and Abused Women
- Daily Morning Prayer for All People
- Prayer for the Sick and Shut-In
- Prayer for Evangelism
- Prayer for Pastors and People of All Nations
- Afternoon Prayer of Thanksgiving
- Prayer for Women and Wives
- Evening Prayer of Thanks
- Prayer for Women of Ministry
- Healing Prayer for Chronic Illness
- Family and Traveling Mercies Prayer
- Repentance and Angelic Protection Prayer
- Overcoming Witchcraft ''a True Testimony''