"Procesi?n de la Luz / Light Procession"
by Various artistsAlbum: No Greater Love / No Hay Amor M?s Grande
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No Greater Love / No Hay Amor M?s Grande
Artist: Various artists- Que Nuestro ?nico Orgullo / We Should Glory
- Reception of the Oils / Recepci?n de los ?leos
- Great Is the Love / Hay Gran Amor
- Ubi Caritas Est Vera
- This Body Will Be Given for You / Este Es Mi Cuerpo
- Pange Lingua Gloriosi
- No Hay Amor M?s Grande / No Greater Love
- General Intercessions for Good Friday / Oraci?n Universal del Viernes Santo
- This is the Wood / Mirad la Cruz
- We Venerate Your Cross / Tu Cruz Adoramos
- Procesi?n de la Luz / Light Procession
- Easter Proclamation / Preg?n Pascual
- Litany of the Saints / Letan?a de los Santos (Chanted/Cantilado)
- Litany of the Saints / Letan?a de los Santos (Metered/Ritmo Medio)
- Blessing of Water / Bendici?n del Agua Bautismal
- Aclamaci?n Despu?s Del Bautismo / Acclamation Following Baptism
- Rito de Aspersi?n / Sprinkling Rite
- Esta Es Nuestra Fe / This Is Our Faith
- Our Paschal Sacrifice / El Cordero Pascual