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Taiz? Reflections, Vol. 1
Artist: Various artists- O Lord Hear My Prayer
- Magnificat
- Oculi Nostri (Our Eyes Are On the Lord)
- Jesus Remember Me
- Adoramus Te Christe (O Christ We Bless You)
- Grande Est Ta Bonte
- Sing to God
- My Peace
- Une Soif
- My Soul Is At Rest
- God Can Only Give Faithful Love
- Laudate Omnes Gentes
- In Our Darkness
- Spiritus Jesu Christi
- Da Pacem Domine
- The Kingdom of God
- In Resurrectione Tua (In Your Resurrection)
- Christe Lux Mundi
- Our Father
- O Lord the Light of My Life
- Psallite Deo (Sing Praises to God)
- Bless the Lord
- Within Our Darkest Night
- Nada Te Turbe
- Veni Sancte Spiritus (Come Holy Spirit)
- Praise Our God And Saviour
- Benedictus
- There Is One Lord
- Notre P?re
- Jubilate Deo (Canon)