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Unzer Nigun - Beigalach
Artist: Various artists- Oyfen Pripitchik (On the Cooking Stove)
- A Yiddishe Mame (A Jewish Mother)
- Exodus
- Unzer Nigun (Our Melody)
- YerushalayimShel Zahav (Jerusalem of Gold)
- Yevarechecha (The Lord Bless You)
- Beigalach (Bagels)
- Oifen Veg Shteit (A Tree Stands on the Road)
- A Brivale Teo Mame (A Letter to Mother)
- If I were a Rich Man
- Kinder Yoren (Childhook Years)
- Roshinkes Mit Mandlen (Raisins and Almonds)
- Shir Ha Ma'alot (Song of Ascent)
- Yedid Nefesh (Bosom Friend)
- Halisha Le'Keisaria-Eli Eli (The Walk to Caesarea)
- Der Rabbi Elimelech (The Rabbi Elimelech)
- Hoi Artzi Moladeti (O My Country, My Homeland)
- Tumbalalaika
- Tachat Knafech (Under Your Wings)
- Hava Nagila Medley
- Ha'Tikva (The Hope) - Israel's National Anthem