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Journeysongs Third Edition: Volume 28
Artist: Various artists- The Church of Christ in Every Age
- Christ, Be Our Light
- Lord, Whose Love in Humble Service
- Somos el Cuerpo de Cristo
- Alleluia! Raise the Gospel
- Whatsoever You Do
- The Cry of the Poor
- Sing a New Church
- In Christ There Is No East or West
- They
- They'll Know We Are Christians
- Christ Is the King
- Many and Great
- Companions on the Journey
- Holy and Living Bread
- O Lord, I Am Not Worthy
- O Sacrament Most Holy
- Soul of My Savior
- Adoro Te Devote (Godhead Here in Hiding)
- Beautiful Savior
- O God of Love, O King of Peace
- America
- For the Healing of the Nations
- America the Beautiful
- This Is My Song
- God of Our Fathers
- Eternal Father, Strong to Save
- Lord, As the Day Begins
- This Day God Gives Me
- Morning Has Broken
- God of Mystery, God of Mercy
- Day Is Done
- Radiant Light Divine
- The Day You Gave Us, Lord, Is Ended
- Abide with Me
- Lord, Bid Your Servant Go in Peace