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God has blessed you and He will continue to.

Top 50 Naija Gospel Songs, Vol. 8
Artist: Various artists- Heart Cry
- Unchanging God
- I Fly
- So Good
- My God Is Good
- Baba Na You
- No Other Name
- Under The Canopy
- I Will Praise You (A Yin O Ayino)
- Miracle Rain
- Redemption Dance
- Idi Mma
- Lift The Name
- Lamb of God
- Chante Hallelujah
- Agbelebu
- Mimo L'Oluwa
- Eshe Oluwa
- Alagbara
- You Do Mighty Things
- Yahweh
- Durotimi (Stay with Me)
- Idi Ebube
- Spirit Pray
- My Trust Is in You
- Halleluyah (Hallelujah)
- Lord You Are
- E ru Ogo
- Baba
- You Are So Good
- Born to Win
- I Am Blessed
- Olori Oko
- Awesome God
- Powerful God
- Ka Anyi Bulie
- Highly Lifted
- Prophetic Praise 2
- In Love With You
- Most High
- Lost In You
- Sing Alleluia
- Igwe
- Covenant Keeping God
- Amazing God
- Yesu Masoyina
- Wonder God
- More of You
- Odogwu