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Hallelujah - 35 Great Sacred Choruses
Artist: VARIOUS ARTISTS- I. Gloria in excelsis Deo
- Zadok The Priest (Coronation Anthem for George II ed. Basil Lam) - 1994 Remaster
- Vivaldi: I. Gloria in excelsis Deo
- Handel: Zadok The Priest (Coronation Anthem for George II ed. Basil Lam) - 1994 Remaster
- Ave verum corpus, K.618
- Sanctus
- Mozart: Ave verum corpus, K.618
- Gounod: Sanctus
- And Then Shall Your Light Break Forth (From Elijah)
- Mendelssohn: And Then Shall Your Light Break Forth (From Elijah)
- If Ye Love Me - 1994 Remaster
- Tallis: If Ye Love Me - 1994 Remaster
- 'Hallelujah' [Chorus: Welten singen Dank und Ehre...Preiset ihn, ihr Engelch?re (Angels) with preced
- Beethoven: 'Hallelujah' [Chorus: Welten singen Dank und Ehre...Preiset ihn, ihr Engelch?re (Angels)
- Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring (From Cantata No. 147)
- J.S. Bach: Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring (From Cantata No. 147)
- Adagio In B minor K540 - 1990 Digital Remaster
- Mozart: Adagio In B minor K540 - 1990 Digital Remaster
- Panis angelicus - Remastered
- Franck: Panis angelicus - Remastered
- I. Magnificat
- J.S. Bach: I. Magnificat
- Ave verum corpus (Gradualia I, 1605) - 2004 Remaster
- Byrd: Ave verum corpus (Gradualia I, 1605) - 2004 Remaster
- IV. Wie lieblich sind deine Wohnungen (M?ssig bewegt)
- Brahms: IV. Wie lieblich sind deine Wohnungen (M?ssig bewegt)
- Miserere: Miserere Mei, Deus
- Allegri: Miserere - Miserere Mei, Deus
- Hallelujah (Chor)
- Handel: Hallelujah (Chor)
- Nr.26 Wie lieblich sind die Boten (Chor)
- For Unto Us A Child Is Born (From Messiah ed. Basil Lam)
- Handel: For Unto Us A Child Is Born (From Messiah ed. Basil Lam)
- Recitativo: Ah! son perduto! (Cherubino/Susanna/Conte/Basilio)
- Mozart: Recitativo: Ah! son perduto! (Cherubino/Susanna/Conte/Basilio)
- Laudate Dominum
- Mozart: Laudate Dominum
- Hallelujah Chorus (From Messiah ed. Basil Lam) - 1987 Remaster
- Handel: Hallelujah Chorus (From Messiah ed. Basil Lam) - 1987 Remaster