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"Lamb of God" by Various artists - Journeysongs Third Edition: Volume 6
Album Tracks
Journeysongs Third Edition: Volume 6
Artist: Various artists
  1. Exposition: O Saving Victim
  2. Benediction: Tantum Ergo
  3. Reposition: The Divine Praises
  4. Introductory Rites: Greeting
  5. Penitiential Act (Confiteor)
  6. Penitential Act: Dialogue
  7. Penitential Act with Invocations
  8. Lord, Have Mercy
  9. Kyrie, Eleison
  10. Gloria
  11. Universal Prayer
  12. May the Lord Accept the Sacrifice
  13. Preface Dialogue
  14. Holy
  15. We Proclaim Your Death
  16. When We Eat This Bread
  17. Save Us, Savior
  18. Amen
  19. The Lord's Prayer
  20. Lamb of God
  21. Lord, I Am Not Worthy That You Should Enter
  22. The Concluding Rites: Greeting/Blessing
  23. Dismissal (Verse and Response: Go Forth)
  24. Dismissal (Verse and Response: Go and Announce)
  25. Dismissal (Verse and Response: Go in Peace, Glorifying the Lord)
  26. Dismissal (Verse and Response: Go in Peace)
  27. Dismissal: Easter Solemn (Verse and Response)
  28. Asperges Me (Chant Mass)
  29. Vidi Aquam (Chant Mass)
  30. Kyrie (Chant Mass)
  31. Gloria (Chant Mass)
  32. Sanctus (Chant Mass)
  33. Post Consecrationem (Chant Mass)
  34. Amen (Chant Mass)
  35. Pater Noster (Chant Mass)
  36. Agnus Dei (Chant Mass)
  37. Kyrie, Eleison (Mass of Renewal)
  38. Glory to God (Mass of Renewal)
  39. Alleluia (Mass of Renewal)
  40. Lenten Gospel Acclamation (Mass of Renewal)
  41. Holy (Mass of Renewal)
  42. We Proclaim Your Death (Mass of Renewal)
  43. When We Eat This Bread (Mass of Renewal)
  44. Save Us, Savior (Mass of Renewal)
  45. Amen (Mass of Renewal)
  46. Lamb of God (Mass of Renewal)
  47. Lord, Have Mercy (Mass of Christ the Savior)
  48. Glory to God (Mass of Christ the Savior)
  49. Alleluia (Mass of Christ the Savior)
  50. Lenten Gospel Acclamation (Mass of Christ the Savior)
  51. Holy (Mass of Christ the Savior)
  52. We Proclaim Your Death (Mass of Christ the Savior)
  53. When We Eat This Bread (Mass of Christ the Savior)
  54. Save Us, Savior (Mass of Christ the Savior)
  55. Amen (Mass of Christ the Savior)
  56. Lamb of God (Mass of Christ the Savior)
  57. Penitential Act with Invocations (Mass of Spirit and Grace)
  58. Glory to God (Mass of Spirit and Grace)
  59. Alleluia (Mass of Spirit and Grace)
  60. Lenten Gospel Acclamation (Mass of Spirit and Grace)
  61. Holy (Mass of Spirit and Grace)
  62. We Proclaim Your Death (Mass of Spirit and Grace)
  63. When We Eat This Bread (Mass of Spirit and Grace)
  64. Save Us, Savior (Mass of Spirit and Grace)
  65. Amen (Mass of Spirit and Grace)
  66. Lamb of God (Mass of Spirit and Grace)
Song Lyrics
Comments / Requests
Album Artwork
Album Tracks
Journeysongs Third Edition: Volume 6
Artist: Various artists
  1. Exposition: O Saving Victim
  2. Benediction: Tantum Ergo
  3. Reposition: The Divine Praises
  4. Introductory Rites: Greeting
  5. Penitiential Act (Confiteor)
  6. Penitential Act: Dialogue
  7. Penitential Act with Invocations
  8. Lord, Have Mercy
  9. Kyrie, Eleison
  10. Gloria
  11. Universal Prayer
  12. May the Lord Accept the Sacrifice
  13. Preface Dialogue
  14. Holy
  15. We Proclaim Your Death
  16. When We Eat This Bread
  17. Save Us, Savior
  18. Amen
  19. The Lord's Prayer
  20. Lamb of God
  21. Lord, I Am Not Worthy That You Should Enter
  22. The Concluding Rites: Greeting/Blessing
  23. Dismissal (Verse and Response: Go Forth)
  24. Dismissal (Verse and Response: Go and Announce)
  25. Dismissal (Verse and Response: Go in Peace, Glorifying the Lord)
  26. Dismissal (Verse and Response: Go in Peace)
  27. Dismissal: Easter Solemn (Verse and Response)
  28. Asperges Me (Chant Mass)
  29. Vidi Aquam (Chant Mass)
  30. Kyrie (Chant Mass)
  31. Gloria (Chant Mass)
  32. Sanctus (Chant Mass)
  33. Post Consecrationem (Chant Mass)
  34. Amen (Chant Mass)
  35. Pater Noster (Chant Mass)
  36. Agnus Dei (Chant Mass)
  37. Kyrie, Eleison (Mass of Renewal)
  38. Glory to God (Mass of Renewal)
  39. Alleluia (Mass of Renewal)
  40. Lenten Gospel Acclamation (Mass of Renewal)
  41. Holy (Mass of Renewal)
  42. We Proclaim Your Death (Mass of Renewal)
  43. When We Eat This Bread (Mass of Renewal)
  44. Save Us, Savior (Mass of Renewal)
  45. Amen (Mass of Renewal)
  46. Lamb of God (Mass of Renewal)
  47. Lord, Have Mercy (Mass of Christ the Savior)
  48. Glory to God (Mass of Christ the Savior)
  49. Alleluia (Mass of Christ the Savior)
  50. Lenten Gospel Acclamation (Mass of Christ the Savior)
  51. Holy (Mass of Christ the Savior)
  52. We Proclaim Your Death (Mass of Christ the Savior)
  53. When We Eat This Bread (Mass of Christ the Savior)
  54. Save Us, Savior (Mass of Christ the Savior)
  55. Amen (Mass of Christ the Savior)
  56. Lamb of God (Mass of Christ the Savior)
  57. Penitential Act with Invocations (Mass of Spirit and Grace)
  58. Glory to God (Mass of Spirit and Grace)
  59. Alleluia (Mass of Spirit and Grace)
  60. Lenten Gospel Acclamation (Mass of Spirit and Grace)
  61. Holy (Mass of Spirit and Grace)
  62. We Proclaim Your Death (Mass of Spirit and Grace)
  63. When We Eat This Bread (Mass of Spirit and Grace)
  64. Save Us, Savior (Mass of Spirit and Grace)
  65. Amen (Mass of Spirit and Grace)
  66. Lamb of God (Mass of Spirit and Grace)
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