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Xist Music Presents: MOVE Vol. 1
Artist: Various Artists- Da T R U T H The Ambassador Change feat Jin
- Change
- Sean Simmonds Supernova feat Canton Jones
- Supernova
- Yaves Open Windows feat B Reith and Th3ory Hazit
- Open Windows
- Sho Baraka Alex Faith and R Swift All I Need feat Sean Simmonds
- All I Need
- Andal Derek Minor fka PRo D MAUB Straight
- Straight
- N F Only One feat Shuree Williams
- Only One
- Jahaziel Fly High feat ZG
- Fly High
- The Ambassador Live It Up feat Trip Lee
- Live It Up
- Yaves Coeur De Leon
- Coeur De Leon
- R Swift Midnight Star feat Pastor AD3 Daisy Fontaine
- Midnight Star
- Da T R U T H Missing Piece
- Missing Piece
- Rhema Soul No More Waiting
- No More Waiting
- Da T R U T H The Ambassador Sean Simmonds Jessica Reedy Jai DJ Mal Ski MOVE Chasing After You
- Move (Chasing After You)