"Interview: Emory Caudill"
by Various artistsAlbum: Songs of the Old Regular Baptists, Vol. 2: Lined-o
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Songs of the Old Regular Baptists, Vol. 2: Lined-o
Artist: Various artists- Sweet Glories Rush Upon My Sight
- Amazing Grace
- I Long to See the Seasons Come
- Precious Memories
- Streets of Gold
- Attend Young Friend
- O! When Shall I See Jesus
- Jesus Grant Us All a Blessing
- Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone
- The Lord Will Make A Way
- A Poor Wayfaring Stranger
- Interview: Don Pratt
- Interview: Toby Breeding
- Interview: Jim Fields
- Interview: Johnnie Fields
- Interview: Squire Watts
- Interview: Elwood Cornett
- Interview: Paul Sparkman
- Interview: Harve Creech
- Interview: Ruth Frazier
- Interview: Kathy Cornett
- Interview: Grethel Fields
- Interview: Emory Caudill
- Interview: James Caudill
- Interview: John Wallhausser
- Interview: Jeff Titton