"How Great / It Is Happening (feat. William McDowell)"
by Various artistsAlbum: Ultimate Gospel Collection
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God has blessed you and He will continue to.

Ultimate Gospel Collection
Artist: Various artists- Not Forgotten
- Wave Your Hands
- Let It Be (feat. Rance Allen
- Jesus Is All The World
- Rain [Live]
- 1,000 Hallelujahs
- Greater Than It All (feat. Jake Isaac)
- Let the People (feat. LaDonna Harley-Peters
- Women of Hope (feat. Michelle John)
- How Great / It Is Happening (feat. William McDowell)
- The Siege Is Over
- Nothing But the Blood (feat. Deitrick Haddon)
- The Gathering
- Blessed to Be a Blessing [Live]
- Where Do I Go (My Help)
- Leaning On the Everlasting Arms / Praise the Mighty Name of Jesus
- God of the Impossible (feat. Nathaniel Bassey)
- What A Love (feat. Bishop John Francis, Warryn Campbell
- Keep Fighting
- Alpha and Omega
- Cast Your Cares (feat. The Kingdom Choir) [Radio Edit]
- Way Maker
- Imela (feat. Enitan Adaba) [Live]
- Worshipper [Live]
- Faith (feat. Annette Brown)