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God has blessed you and He will continue to.

Chapelwood Worship
Artist: Various artists- O Worship the King
- Hosanna (Praise Is Rising) [feat. Sarah Fuselier]
- Beautiful Scandalous Night (feat. Sarah Fuselier)
- Blessed Be Your Name (feat. Sarah Fuselier)
- Agnus Dei (feat. Sarah Fuselier
- Fairest Lord Jesus (feat. Erika Johnson)
- How Beautiful
- Hosanna in the Highest (feat. Sarah Fuselier)
- Your Grace Is Enough (feat. the 2014 Wesley Choir)
- The Solid Rock (feat. the 2014 Wesley Choir)
- Nothing Without You (feat. James Kelly)
- Thy Word (feat. Sarah Fuselier
- How Deep the Father's Love (feat. Sarah Fuselier)
- 'Tis so Sweet to Trust in Jesus (feat. Sarah Fuselier
- From the Inside out (feat. Ellen Olive)
- Ashokan Farewell (feat. Erika Lawson, Peter Johns, Erika Johnson, Curry Duffy