"He's Got The Whole World In His Hands"
by Various ArtistsAlbum: Memphis Sanctified Jug Bands 1928-1930
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Memphis Sanctified Jug Bands 1928-1930
Artist: Various Artists- The Master Came And Called Me
- Saul, A Wicked Man
- Come Over Here
- How Much I Owe For Love Divine
- Lord, Lord, He Sure Is Good To Me
- Watch Ye, Therefore, You Know Not The Day
- A Lie Was Told, But God Know'd It (Take 1)
- A Lie Was Told, But God Know'd It (Take 2)
- A Wild Man In Town (Take 1)
- A Wild Man In Town (Take 2)
- He Shut The Lion's Mouth (Take 1)
- He Shut The Lion's Mouth (Take 2)
- Everybody Was There
- Christ, The Teacher
- The Solemn Warning
- He's Got The Whole World In His Hands
- I Will Meet You At The Station
- Thou Carest Lord, For Me
- Jesus Throwed Up A Highway For Me
- Sinner, I'd Make A Change