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God has blessed you and He will continue to.

50 Patriotic Songs Music for the 4th of July
Artist: Various artists- The Star Spangled Banner (National Anthem of the United States of America)
- The Pledge of Allegiance
- You're a Grand Old Flag
- American Salute
- Riders for the Flag
- Thomas Jefferson March
- This Land is Your Land
- God Bless the USA
- National Emblem March
- The United States Air Force Song (Off We Go Into the Wild Blue Yonder)
- The United States Army Song (The Army Goes Rolling Along)
- The United States Coast Guard Song (Semper Paratus)
- The United States Marine Song (The Marines' Hymn)
- The United States Navy Song (Anchors Aweigh)
- The Official West Point March
- Americans We
- American Patrol
- Civil War Medley (Battle Cry of Freedom; Dixie; When Johnny Comes Marching Home)
- Yankee Doodle
- Battle Hymn of the Republic
- America the Beautiful
- Stephen Foster Medley (Some Folks; My Old Kentucky Home; Oh! Susanna; Old Folks at Home; Camptown Ra
- Liberty Fanfare
- Song of the Seabees
- The President's March (Hail Columbia)
- The Stars and Stripes Forever (National March of the United States)
- Esprit de Corps
- Holding the Flag for America
- American Soldier
- Seeds of Freedom
- We Were There
- Some Gave All
- The Sound of America
- Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy
- The Liberty Bell March
- Colonel Bogey
- Waves of the Navy
- The Man Behind the Gun
- This is My Country
- God of Our Fathers
- The Marines' Hymn Apotheosis
- An American Tribute
- Under the Double Eagle
- Fourth of July
- Hands Across the Sea
- Navy Blue and Gold
- Ragged Old Flag
- Let Freedom Ring
- God Bless America
- America, My Country 'Tis of Thee