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God has blessed you and He will continue to.

Music For Martha
Artist: Various Artists- O Holy Night
- You're There
- March (from The Nutcracker)
- Tell Me
- III. Valse des Fleurs. Tempo di valse
- Without You
- Christmas Time Is Here (from the TV special A Charlie Brown Christmas)
- My God, My King
- Sleigh Ride - Instrumental
- Can You Feel It? - Vocal Mix
- Fantasia On "I Saw Three Ships"
- Faded Pictures
- The Coventry Carol
- Fun Tonight
- Pastoral Symphony
- Stay
- O Little Town of Bethlehem
- God Inhabits
- O Tannenbaum - Instrumental
- For Avion
- Children's Prayer
- The Non-Depressing Song
- O Sanctissima
- Lucky Stars
- German Dance in C Major, K. 605, No. 3 "The Sleigh Ride"
- Praise The Lord
- The Gift of Love - Vocal
- Take It To The World
- Ding Dong! Merrily On High - Vocal
- Ding Dong! Merrily On High
- Pretend
- What Child Is This? (Greensleeves)
- Ave Maria
- White Christmas
- Silent Night