"Flowers On the Wall (Live in Denmark)"
by Various ArtistsAlbum: Columbia Country Classics Volume 3: Americana
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Columbia Country Classics Volume 3: Americana
Artist: Various Artists- The Ballad of Davy Crockett
- Don't Take Your Guns To Town
- Big Iron
- The Ballad of Paladin
- El Paso
- 'Cross the Brazos at Waco
- Long Black Veil
- Life to Go
- Big Bad John
- Tennessee Flat Top Box
- Wolverton Mountain
- Saginaw, Michigan
- North To Alaska
- Twenty Miles From Shore
- The Battle of New Orleans
- Soldier's Joy
- Waterloo
- The Ballad of Jed Clampett (with The Foggy Mountain Boys)
- May The Bird Of Paradise Fly Up Your Nose
- Flowers On the Wall (Live in Denmark)