Song Lyrics

Can I call you sweeth-eart
Or even baby d-oll
If I had your numb-er
You'd be getting a phone c-all

Can I leave you a mess-age
On your mach-ine
Letting you know that you're the bomb
And you blew up on m-e

Are you anxious to s-ee m-e
After your next cl-ass
Do you care when I tell y-ou
Step around that broken glass

Can I see you aft-er
You get out of sch-ool
I wouldn't even mind i-t
If you treat me cr-uel

Take a ride on my Vesp-a
I'll take you h-ome
I'll ride up to your wind-ow
And read you a po-em


I know that y-ou bel-ieve (you
In the one true God above
And that's why you're wait-ing
For your, one and only love
Do your feet h-urt
Did you fall from heav-en
'Cause you've been running, through my, mind all d-ay
My mind don't m-ind

I don't know wh-at to say or d-o
I can't, eat when I'm with you
Goodnight sweetheart I've gotta go
And you won't, come to my next sh-ow

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