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God has blessed you and He will continue to.

Songs of Love: Gospel, Vol. 1
Artist: Various artists- Nicholas Loves Sing Along, Diapers, and Weather
- Sonjah Loves the Radio, Spring, and Eclipses
- Brianne Loves Nursary Rhymes, Iceland, and Nickelodeon
- Jakob Loves Jeep, Shrimp, and Package
- Johannah Loves Seychelles, Fanta, and Jokes
- Ashley Loves Connection, Punk Rock, and Watermelon
- Patience Loves Love, Floating, and Venezuela
- Alyssa Loves Screaming, Laughing, and Quotes
- Alan Loves Eliptical, Times Square, and Beanbag
- Amira Loves Test Tubes, Hunting, and Cadillac
- Alex Loves Turkey, Voss, and Showers
- Anna Loves Radio, Halloween, and Dancing
- Ally Loves Puerto Rico, Spinning, and Milkshake
- Amanda Loves Tacos, Marbles, and Flowers
- Emma Loves Nickolodean, Trucks, and Turtles in Time
- April Loves Medicine, Alvin and the Chipmunks, and Snow White
- Amanda Loves Goats, Feeling Groovy, and New York
- Aliyah Loves Mercedes-Benz, Malls, and Gan Chinese
- Harry Loves Bungee Jump, Fire Engine, and Monster Trucks
- Carter Loves Bhutan, Nails, and Cowgirls