"Air I Am / Aire Soy (Folk-Blues Version)"
by VARIOUS ARTISTSAlbum: Melodic Mystery: Ritual Music from Reclaiming Trad
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Melodic Mystery: Ritual Music from Reclaiming Trad
Artist: VARIOUS ARTISTS- We Cast Our Spell (Spiral Dance 2022 Intention)
- Circle Casting Song
- Air I Am / Aire Soy (Folk-Blues Version)
- Wisdom of the Ancestors (Spiral Dance 2021 Intention)
- Praises to Aphrodite
- Goddess
- Sweet Brigid
- Hekate Trance Loop
- Lady of the Wild Wood
- Draw Down the Sun
- The Homecoming
- Is, Was, And Shall Be
- Hecate's Song
- Weaving Our Way
- Rise with the Fire
- Weaver, Weaver (Spiral Dance 2021 Version)
- May the Circle Be Open