The sky shall unf-old
Preparing His entr-ance
The stars shall appl-aud Him
With thunders of pr-aise
The sweet light in, His e-yes shall
Enhance those awaiting
And we shall beh-old H-im
Then face to face
We shall beh-old Him
We shall beh-old Him
F-ace to f-ace
In all of His gl-ory
We shall beh-old Him
We shall beh-old Him
F-ace to f-ace
Our Savior and L-ord
The angels will so-und
The shout of His coming
The sleeping shall r-ise
From their slumbering pl-ace
And those who remain
Shall be changed in a mom-ent
Then we shall behold, H-im
Himn face to f-ace
We shall beh-old Him
We shall beh-old Him
F-ace to f-ace (I'm gonna see His face)
In all of His gl-ory
We shall we shall we shall beh-old
We shall beh-old Him
F-ace to f-a-a-ace
Our Sav-ior our God
Yes He will (yes He will)
Yes He will (yes He will)
We sh-all behold Him
My S-avior and L-ord
We shall beh-old Him
I can hardly wait until that great d-ay
We shall behold Him
I'm gonna see His face
When we shall behold Him
As He is
We shall beh-old Him
(We're gonna see His face)
To face (to face)
To face (to face)
We shall behold Him as He is
We shall behold Him
(We're gonna see Him face to face)
To face (to face)
To face (to face)
To f-ace
We shall (we shall behold Him)
One of these days Your grace is gonna
We'll behold
We shall behold Him
I don't know about you, but we'll lift Him up
We shall behold Him
(We're gonna see Him face to face)
To face (to face)
To face (to face)
To f-ace
We shall (we shall behold Him)
I can fully praise Him
We sh-all
I know its gonna be so-on
We shall
We shall behold Him
(We're gonna see Him face to face)
(To face)
(To face)
(To f-ace)

The Very Best Of Praise
Artist: Various Artists - Worship- Thank You Lord Live Daryl Coley
- We Shall Behold Him Commissioned
- Wonderful Is Your Name Hezekiah Walker The Love Fellowship Crusade Choir
- Total Praise Live Richard Smallwood Vision
- You Are God Alone Live Marvin Sapp
- Shackles Praise You Mary Mary
- Forever Live The Gospel Heritage Praise Worship Conference Mass Choir Vickie Winans
- Show Me Your Face Fred Hammond
- Let Us Worship Him Yolanda Adams
- For Every Mountain Live Kurt Carr Singers Yvette Williams
- I m Gonna Praise Him Live The Gospel Heritage Praise Worship Conference Mass Choir Kim Burrell
- Awesome God Helen Baylor
- Awesome Twinkie Clark
- Jesus Is Lord Anointed Andre Crouch
- You Alone Are Worthy Live Vanessa Bell Armstrong Pastor Marvin Winans The Perfecting Praise Choir