"These Things Are True Of You Tommy Walker"
by Various Artists - WorshipAlbum: Worship: 16 Top Artists * 16 Great Songs
Unshakable, immovab-le, faithful and true
Full of wisdom, strength and b-eauty
These th-ings are true, of You
Fearl-ess, cour-ageous
Righteousness shines through in all You do
Yet You're so humble, You laid d-own Your life
These things, are true, of You
And a-s I, turn my face to You
Oh L-ord I ask, and pr-ay
By the p-ower of, Your l-ove and grace
Make these things true of, me t-oo
Make these things true of, me too
Patient, compassion-ate
Love flows through You
You never g-ive up, on the hopeless ones
These things, are true, of You
Your hol-y, and bl-ameless
You stand up for j-ustice and truth
Yet You love mercy, and forg-iveness
These things, are true, of You

Worship: 16 Top Artists * 16 Great Songs
Artist: Various Artists - Worship- Undone MercyMe
- King Tree63
- You Are My Treasure Chris Tomlin
- Find Me In The River Delirious featuring Amy Grant
- Shout To The Lord Natalie Grant
- My Redeemer Lives Reuben Morgan
- Redeemer Nicole C Mullin
- My King Live Planetshakers
- Come Thou Fount David Crowder
- You Are Good Rita Springer
- Lord I Lift Your Name On High Live Jonathan Butler
- You re Worthy Of My Praise Tammy Trent
- The Lion And The Lamb Crystal Lewis
- These Things Are True Of You Tommy Walker
- On My Knees Jaci Velasquez
- He Knows My Name Paul Baloche
- True Worship Song Peculiar People Band