You chose the cross with every breath
The perfect life, The perfect death
You chose the cross
A crown of thorns you wore for us
And crowned us with eternal life
You chose the cross
And though your soul was overwhelmed with pain
Obedient to death You overcame
I'm Lost in wonder
I'm lost in love
I'm lost in praise forevermore
Because of Jesus' unfailing love
I am forgiven
I am restored
You loosed the chords of sinfulness
And broke the chains of my disgrace
You chose the cross
Up from the grave victorious
You rose again so glorious
You chose the cross
The sorrow that surrounded you was mine
"Yet not my will but yours be done" You cried

50 Worship Anthems (Disc 3)
Artist: Various Artists - Worship- Resurrection Hymn
- Take Us To The River
- Praise the Might Name of Jesus
- Everything
- The Voice Of Hope
- I Could Sing Of Your Love Forever
- Enough
- Everything I Have Comes From You
- In Your Name
- Lord Of All the Earth
- Just One Touch From The King
- Lost In Wonder
- Who Is There Like You
- O Church Arise
- You Reign
- The Heart Of Worship