Song Lyrics
Album: Deep Still 2 - It Is Well: Authentic Celtic Hymns
"Jesu Joy Fairest Lord Jesus Elyse Masterson Ron Davis"
by Various Artists - WorshipAlbum: Deep Still 2 - It Is Well: Authentic Celtic Hymns
F-airest Lord J-esus
R-uler of all n-ature
O-h Thou art G-od and m-an the Son
Thee will I ch-erish
Thee will I h-onor
Thou my soul's glory j-oy, and cr-own
Fair are the m-eadows
F-airer still the w-oodlands
R-obed in th-e blooming G-od o-f spr-ing
J-esus is f-airer
J-esus is p-urer
Who makes the woeful h-eart, to
F-air is the s-unshine
F-airer still the m-oonlight
A-nd a-ll th-e twinkling starry h-ost
J-esus shines br-ighter
J-esus shines p-urer
Than all the angels h-eaven, can boast
H-e will I ch-erish
H-e will I h-onor
Thou my soul's, j-oin and pr-ay
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Album Artwork

Album Tracks
Deep Still 2 - It Is Well: Authentic Celtic Hymns
Artist: Various Artists - Worship- Trading My Sorrows In A Nutshell Instrumental Bob Haligan Jr
- As the Deer Kerri Ann Rostad
- The Happy Song Mrs McCloud s Reel Instrumental Martin Chalk
- He Stilled The Storm Calm The Storm Instrumental Jane Billington
- How Deep the Father s Love for Us Elyse Masterson
- Gaelic Meadows John Begley O Bheaglaoich
- Jesu Joy Fairest Lord Jesus Elyse Masterson Ron Davis
- Reel Set The Fairest Flower Up The Hill Shred The Bodhr n
- The Piper s Prayer Murray Huggins featuring Scottish Highland Pipes
- It Is Well With My Soul Martin Chalk
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