"I Could Sing of Your Love Forever Delirious"
by Various Artists - WorshipAlbum: Songs4Worship - Worship Classics
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Songs4Worship - Worship Classics
Artist: Various Artists - Worship- Open the Eyes of My Heart Paul Baloche
- Come Now is the Time to Worship Brian Doerksen
- Shout to the Lord Hillsong with Darlene Zschech
- In Christ Alone The Solid Rock Travis Cottrell
- Blessed Be Your Name Matt Redman
- Mighty to Save Don Moen
- Here I Am to Worship Tim Hughes
- How Great is Our God David Lubben
- Your Name Paul Baloche
- I Could Sing of Your Love Forever Delirious
- Revelation Song Gateway Worship featuring Kari Jobe
- Above All Lenny LeBlanc
- 10 000 Reasons Soul Survivor
- You Are My King Candi Pearson Shelton
- Heart of Worship Matt Redman
- Give Thanks Don Moen
- I Worship You Almighty God Lisa Glasgow
- More Precious Than Silver Lisa Bevill
- Hosanna Paul Baloche
- Our God Lincoln Brewster
- O The Blood Gateway Worship featuring Kari Jobe
- Trading My Sorrows Darrell Evans
- Breathe Kathryn Scott
- I Exalt Thee Israel Houghton