"How Deep the Father s Love for Us Skillet"
by Various Artists - WorshipAlbum: Absolute Modern Worship: 25 Modern Worship Hits Fr
How deep, the Father's love for us
How vast, beyond all m-eas-ure
That He should give His only S-on
To make, a wretch His tr-easure
How great, the pain of searing l-oss
The F-ather turns His face away
As wounds which mar the chosen One
Bring m-any sons to gl-ory
Beh-old the man upon the cross
My sin, upon His sh-oulders
Ashamed I hear my mocking voice
Call out, among the sc-offers
It was, my sin that held Him there
Until it was acc-omplished
His dying breath has brought me life
I know, that it is f-inished
I w-ill not boast in anything
No gifts, no power no w-isdom
But I will boast in Jesus Christ
His death, and resurr-ection
Why should I gain from His reward
I c-annot give an a-nswer
But this, I know with all my heart
His wounds, have paid my r-ansom
Why sh-ould I gain from His rew-ard
I c-annot give an a-nswer
But this, I know with all my h-eart
His wounds, have paid my r-ansom

Absolute Modern Worship: 25 Modern Worship Hits Fr
Artist: Various Artists - Worship- Wonderful Merciful Savior Selah
- Word of God Speak Big Daddy Weave
- More Love to Thee Fernando Ortega
- Enough BarlowGirl
- Jesus You re Beautiful Sara Groves
- All of This Exit East
- How Deep the Father s Love for Us Skillet
- You Said Palisade
- Hallelujah Nicol Sponberg
- All My Tears Be Washed Away Plumb
- I Am Ready Broken Frame
- I Love You Lord Charmaine