I'm not backing down
I will stand my ground
Lifting high the name of Jesus
Holding out Your light
To a world in need
Living out the love of Jesus
Though the battles rage
Your blessing still will come
To the ends of the earth we will go
To the ends of the earth we will go
Fill us with power
Fill us with power
For the truth of Your word we will stand
For the truth of Your word we will stand
Give us Your courage
Give us Your courage
Be our strength and song
Till the battle's won
Cause Your face to shine upon us
Stretch Your hand to save
Our God never fails
Nothing is impossible for You
Though the battles rage......
To the ends of the earth we will go......
Would You breathe on us
Would You breathe on us
Would You breathe on us
Would You breathe on us
To the ends of the earth we will go......

Worship Box Live
Artist: Various Artists - Worship- Remain
- Give Us Your Courage
- Sing to the Lord
- Be Thou My Vision
- Love Come Down
- Creation Sings
- Jesus the Name High Over All
- Ever Faithful God
- Wonderful Savior
- Arise
- In Jesus
- R U Ready
- Amazing God
- God of this City
- Our God Saves
- Build This House
- Who is There Like You
- Grace
- Love Mercy
- Everlasting God
- Be Lifted Up
- Not Ashamed
- Lift Up Your Heads
- The Voice of Hope
- To You King Jesus
- This is Life
- Shout it
- I Know that My Redeemer Lives
- Beep Beep
- Praise the Lord Who Reigns Above