Song Lyrics
Mercy to the brokenhearted
Life for those who grieve
Joy to those whose dreams are stolen
Imprisoned souls released
When You come everything changes
When You speak even the darkness hides
When You step into our frailty, Jesus
You restore every broken life
Everything changes
Blessing to the poor in spirit
Grace for all in need
Sight to those who live in darkness
Innocence redeemed
This is the Kingdom come
This is the Kingdom (4 times)
[Chorus 2x]
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Album Tracks
Artist: Various Artists - Worship- Salt And Light Jami Smith
- Everything Changes Kathryn Scott
- Hallelujah What a Savior Vicky Beeching
- Hosanna Brooke Fraser
- Be Still And Know Christy Nockels
- Jesus You re Beautiful Sara Groves
- Immortal Invisible Laura Story
- Rise Up Rita Springer
- Take My Life And Let It Be Leann Albrecht
- Sovereign Hands Mia Fieldes
- At The Cross Darlene Zschech
- Pure Kari Jobe
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