I knew this assignment was different the first time I
saw it. But I never would've guessed it would happen
here no could have. My name is Hunter I worked for I.C.O.N.
International Confederation Of Nations. Also known as the world's
iron fisted government. I seen a lot things as an undercover agent.
But I never would've believed something like this could happen to me.
In fact I wouldn't have believed it except I was there. I saw with my own
eyes, and I still see it over, and over in my mind. You see this is how it happened
This is how it happened (Spoken)
This is how it happened (Spoken)
This is how it happened (Sing)
This my song
This is how it happened
This my song
This is how it happened
This my song
This how it happened
How I met Him
And He change it all yall
This how it happened
How I met Him
And He change it all yall
This how it happened
How I met Him
And He change it all yall
This how it happened
How I met Him
And He change it all yall
This how it happened
This my song