"Mavis Staples The Root Main Title Remix"
by Various Artists - SoundtracksAlbum: Greenleaf Soundtrack: Volume 2
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Greenleaf Soundtrack: Volume 2
Artist: Various Artists - Soundtracks- Kayce Grogan Wallace The Judgement
- Jekalyn Carr Hold Me Close
- Kirk Franklin 123 Victory
- Roshon Fegan Well Done
- Deborah Joy Winans and Sean Dominic Been Saved
- Mary Mary Heaven
- Deborah Joy Winans Shine The Light
- Roshon Fegan Rise Up
- Koryn Hawthorne feat Roshon Fegan Won t He Do It
- Joshua Nelson and Asia h Epperson How I Got Over
- Le Andria Johnson Better Days
- Mavis Staples The Root Main Title Remix