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God has blessed you and He will continue to.

UNDERTALE Soundtrack
Artist: Toby Fox- Once Upon a Time
- Start Menu
- Your Best Friend
- Fallen Down
- Ruins
- Uwa!! So Temperate?
- Anticipation
- Unnecessary Tension [Explicit]
- Enemy Approaching
- Ghost Fight
- Determination
- Home
- Home (Music Box)
- Heartache
- sans.
- Nyeh Heh Heh!
- Snowy
- Uwa!! So Holiday?
- Dogbass
- Mysterious Place
- Dogsong
- Snowdin Town
- Shop
- Bonetrousle
- Dating Start!
- Dating Tense! [Explicit]
- Dating Fight!
- Premonition
- Danger Mystery
- Undyne
- Waterfall
- Run!
- Quiet Water
- Memory
- Bird That Carries You Over A Disproportionately Small Gap
- Dummy!
- Pathetic House
- Spooktune
- Spookwave
- Ghouliday
- Chill
- Thundersnail
- Temmie Village
- Tem Shop
- Spear of Justice
- Ooo
- Alphys
- Its Showtime!
- It
- Metal Crusher
- Another Medium
- Uwa!! So HEATS!!?
- Stronger Monsters
- Hotel
- Can You Really Call This A Hotel, I Didnt Receive A Mint On My Pillow Or Anything
- Can You Really Call This A Hotel, I Didn
- Confession
- Live Report
- Death Report
- Spider Dance
- Wrong Enemy !?
- Oh! One True Love
- Oh! Dungeon
- Its Raining Somewhere Else
- CORE Approach
- Last Episode!
- Oh My...
- Death By Glamour
- For The Fans
- Long Elevator
- Undertale
- Song That Might Play When You Fight Sans
- The Choice
- Small Shock
- Barrier
- Bergentr?ckung
- You Idiot
- Your Best Nightmare
- Finale
- An Ending
- Shes Playing Piano
- She
- Here We Are
- Amalgam
- Fallen Down (Reprise)
- Dont Give Up
- Don
- Hopes And Dreams
- Burn In Despair!
- SAVE The World
- His Theme
- Final Power
- Reunited
- Menu (Full)
- Respite
- Bring It In, Guys!
- Last Goodbye
- But The Earth Refused To Die
- Battle Against A True Hero
- Power Of
- Good Night