Regal dream and prim Madonna,
Angel queen of Tijuana,
Mother earth and virgin saint,
Succour nurse, and sufferer gate,
Gaudy beauty's hocus-pocus,
Guadeloupe's theotokos,
For heathens, scribes, enraptured daughters,
A neon bride on dashboard alters.
Sweet mother of God,
What's got into you, boy'
Oh, for the love of God,
What's got into you boy'
Sweet mother of God,
You ponder, you wander, you cling and you lean,
While she's bruising you, using you, seldom refusing you.
Monumental apparition,
Ornamental grave beautician,
Satirized and patronised,
Undersized and glamorised,
Matriarchal wisdom seat,
Sentimental paraclete,
Statuesque forlorn pieta,
Eschewed, suppressed, and scorned contessa.
Sweet mother of God,
What's got into you, boy'
Oh, for the love of God,
What's got into you boy'
Sweet mother of God,
You ponder, you wander, you cling and you lean,
While she's bruising you, using you, seldom refusing you.
Cosa Nostra placebo,
Gloriasa domino,
Mediatrix bella donna,
Dominicus della strada,
Limbo low e' la ca?ada,

Zoom Daddy
Artist: The Swirling Eddies- I Had A Bad Experience With The C I A And Now I m Gonna Show You My Feminine Side
- Mr Sharky
- Disco Love Grapes
- Nightmare At The Elks Lodge
- The Golden Girl Of The Golden West
- Sweet Mother Of God
- The Twist
- God Went Bowling
- Multipurpose Man
- Pyro Sets A Wildfire
- Some Friendly Advice
- Art Carney s Dream
- Holy Holy Holy
- Zoom Daddy